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Llynks Breaks Down Spyro Influenced DREAMWEAVERS XXVII EP

Llynks Breaks Down Spyro Influenced DREAMWEAVERS XXVII EP

Austin, Texas based singer, songwriter & producer Llynks has followed up the release of her phenomenal, cinematic album Become The Root with her new self-produced EP Dreamweavers XXVII.

Featuring the feel-good banger There You Go which instantly uplifts you and makes you wanna get up and dance along to its accompanying Spyro music video – which was one of the main inspirations for the EP – the experimental Alive with a message which rings true for most artists, Be There with a nod to early drum & bass and Thinking Of You Lately which perfectly showcases Llynks’ siren-esque vocals.

We asked Llynks to give us a breakdown of her new EP in her own words which you can read below while you stream in its entirety! Check it out below:

There You Go

First of all, this is the first song that I started producing ever. My intention for There You Go is to transport the listener to a fantasy dream utopia. Living high in the clouds in some castle and just coasting haha. Think the realm “Dreamweavers” in Spyro the Dragon. The song was quite literally inspired by that, along with the rest of the EP.  It was the first of the 4 songs that I released, and one of the lightest / uptempo songs I had written to date. I released it first to set the tone for the rest of the music to come.


Alive was a bit of an experiment. I challenged myself to produce a song in two days and set it up for release immediately afterwards. I did this because I’ve always had a problem overthinking my releases to the point of not releasing them or even taking them down after release. It was an incredibly hard mental game for me but in the end I’m happy I did it – I definitely learned so much from the experience.

Be There

Be There is my favorite (along with There You Go). I really wanted to make something extremely high energy since so much of the music I’ve released before is all downtempo. I started with this idea at 177 bpm and went from there. I loved playing with mixing d&b, indie pop, and almost like pop punk elements. It’s very genre bending which I’ve been all about lately. I also have nothing else like it out so that was exciting for me.  To me it’s unlike most of what I’ve heard and for that I feel like it’s a major accomplishment.

Thinking Lately 

I almost didn’t release this one, but I’m really happy I did haha. It was one of the first productions I ever started (made shortly after There You Go). It went through sooo many revisions until it became what it is now. Again, my goal for this one was to just make a chill, dreamy, big reverb/delay song where the listener could just get lost in the atmosphere. It was mainly inspired by the vibe/energy I was feeling in the moment, which is a totally new way of writing that I’ve been experimenting with.

You can also find Llynks providing helpful tips and resources for musicians on her YouTube channel and TikTok.

Follow Llynks:  Instagram | YouTube | Twitter | TikTok

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